Компания Еducational Brokers является независимым консультативным органом по обучению за рубежом практически во всех странах мира, где есть стоящее образование. Это клуб агентов по обучению за рубежом с большим жизненным и профессиональным опытом. Мы профессионалы, которые регулярно встречаются вместе, делятся опытом и дают друг другу советы, поддерживают общую рекламную компанию.
Компанию координирует Юрис Тунс, Латвия, Рига.

Юрис является консультантом по образованию за рубежом с 1991 года. Первыми партнерами его образовательного центра по обучению за рубежом "Меценатс" была самая большая безприбыльная компания США International Educational Forum, которая занималась обменом студентов на программы академического года в средних школах Америки. С 1992 года прибавились конкурсные безплатные программы по стипендиям Международных колледжей мира (United World Colleges) и вскоре курсы иностранных языков, включая подготовку к экзаменам IELTS, TOEFL, Cambridge Examination и программы подготовки к университетам (University Foundation Year, Pre Masters programs) на степень Бакалавра и Магистра. Юрис долгое время жил и работал в Москве и на юге Объединенного Королевства Великобритании.

Звоните, пишите нам, и мы вам поможем.

Юрис Тунс,
Координатор клуба


Juris Tuns,
Coordinator of the Club

Hanzas 6-2, Riga,
LV-1010, Latvia.

Call +371 292 72701 

Email:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.





Educational Brokers Ltd. is an independent consulting enterprise dealing with study options in most countries of the world. It is a club of educational agents with wide professional experience.

Who we really are?

Juris Tuns, Riga, Latvia
Juris has been in educational travel business since 1991 when he, first in cooperation with IEF (USA) founded an educational consultancy company “Mecenats”. Later, Mecenats expanded and language courses, schools and University Placement programs in the UK and other countries were added to the range of services it offered. Juris spent 3 years working in Moscow, and then moved to the UK where he lived and worked exploring educational possibilities for 7 years. He mostly deals with University Placement programs and exam preparation for IELTS, TOEFL, UFY, etc. 

Alyona Savelyeva, Daugavpils, Latvia 
Alyona has been teaching ESL for more than 20 years, as well as been involved in educational consulting business for 10 years. Her mission is to help her clients find the most appropriate study option. Working as an educational consultant gives her pleasure and satisfaction.


Irina Moskalyenko, Dnyepr, Ukraine
Irina has 17 years experience in teaching ESL and has been involved in educational consulting business for 12 years. Irina is convinced that a good consultant can help a potential student choose the best study option; find the program where he or she really succeeds, which gives satisfaction and therefore confidence in himself. A good consultant helps the client to choose the path to success.

Inga Ziemele, Riga, Latvia
Inga has been working in the sphere of education for almost 20 years. She explored the British educational system in the smallest detail while working for the British Council in Riga, Latvia. Later, when working for Baltic Council for International Education, and now – for an educational agency “Skaisti”, Inga has managed to become an expert in study options all over the world. The name of the company she now works for is “Skaisti” which means “beautifully” – Study, travel and live beautifully!

Shahnoza Sharipova, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Shahnoza has been an educational consultant for 20 years. Her own daughter is currently studying at the University of Law in London. Shahnoza is sure that through the opportunity to study abroad, the young person is gaining a life experience that will help him or her to develop an excellent career in the future. Every summer Shahnoza takes groups of school children to language courses. 


Pavel Youkovsky, Europe Union
Pavel has more than 20 years experience in educational consulting business. He was an EducationUK Accredited Agent, British Council, the founder and director of “Delius-Terra” in Minsk.  He is focused on tertiary education (high school and university) in the  UK. North America, Netherlands, Poland, Baltic States. Since 2022 he is working for Georgia based business with international dimension. Pavel’s conviction is that what matters is not who you want to be, but what you want to be like. 

Fred Ahmed, Kingdom Saudi Arabia
I am privileged to introduce my self as an Educational Agent bringing 12 years of experience providing help and assistance to international students who pursue higher education abroad. Proficient in English, Arabic and Sinhalese (mother tongue). Based in the United Kingdom and delighted to be associated with Educational Brokers Ltd with a professional team of Globally placed experts in the Educational field for your benefit to achieve that dream goal.

Bistra Georgieva Ilieva, Sofia, Bulgaria
Bistra is the managing director at Darbi Ltd., Sofia, Bulgaria - a consultancy house for education abroad. Bistra has been in educational consultancy business for more than 23 years, managing, planning and organizing the policy of Darbi Ltd., consulting in the field of education and representing Bulgarian higher education establishments. She also manages Darbi Foundation - a non-governmental organization for youth activities, contributing to raising level of knowledge and quality of formal and informal education, as well as training to adopt the principles of lifelong learning. Darbi College, a part of Darbi Ltd. is a part of the first British Sixth-form college in Bulgaria, one of the best colleges of Cambridge International Examination Board. At Darbi Language centre one can find English courses for children and adults, prepare for IELTS, TOEFL, CAE, TestDaF, learn Russian and German.

Lakshman Madurasinghe, Sri Lanka
Prof.Lakshman Madurasinghe is an Attorney-at-Law,  Behavioural Scientist, Educationist, Thought Leader, Strategist and Author of 4 books. He is the Chairman of the Academy Of Universal Global Peace USA in Sri Lanka. 30 years of experience worldwide related to Education and Management Development. Fluent in English and Sinhalese. Based in Sri Lanka,  Senior International Governor of AUGP USA and an Academic Committee Member of EDU Brussels.

Maija Opse, Rīga, Latvia
Maija has been teaching ESL to adult learners for more than 20 years, as well as was in educational consulting business from the very beginning of the nineties of the 20th century. For some time having stepped aside as an educational consultant and doing only the teaching job, now Maija is back and ready to get involved in educational consulting business again, and help her clients to find the best and most appropriate study options.








Компания Еducational Brokers является независимым консультативным органом по обучению за рубежом практически во всех странах мира, где есть стоящее образование. Это клуб агентов по обучению за рубежом с большим жизненным и профессиональным опытом. Мы профессионалы, которые регулярно встречаются вместе, делятся опытом и дают друг другу советы, поддерживают общую рекламную компанию.
Компанию координирует Юрис Тунс, Латвия, Рига.
Шахноза Шарипова, Узбекистан, Ташкент.
Павел Жуковский, Евросоюз.
Ирина Москаленко, Украина, Днепр.
Aлёна Савельева, Латвия, Даугавпилс.
Частные школы по программам, средней школы на уровень А и международного бакалавриата, подготовка и поступление в университеты, курсы языка.